List of Companies in Belabo, Cameroon

Searching for businesses in Belabo? Explore a directory of 3 companies located in Belabo, Cameroon. Top companies in Cameroon, businesses near me.
We found 3 companies

Sun bakery equipment Co., Ltd

110/2 Prince Street, Belabo
Yart bakery equipment Co., Lt d is a manufacturing company specializing in exporting bakery equipment (bread machines) like automatic line for bread, Italy toast line, hamburger line, spiral cooling t...
 Verified+11  Years with us

Suzhou Huilide Machine Co Ltd

Suzhou,China, Belabo
Fengqi Industry Co., Ltd. is a leading designer and manufacturer of parts handling and material handling techniques. The company has wealth of knowledge in component feeding automation and material ha...
 Verified+13  Years with us


Emploi Service - Intérim, prestations, mises à disposition, fleet management service, formations professionnelles, ...